회사소개 Why ARKEMA

      Why ARKEMA

      Why ARKEMA

      성과, 전문지식, 발전성. 이러한 효과들은 우리를 구성하는 요소로서 아케마 성장의 버팀목이 되고 있습니다. 우리는
      직원들의 능력과 창조성을 바탕으로 혁신적인 가치가 더해질 것이라 확신합니다.

      "Joining Arkema therefore means joining a growing group, which has followed an exemplary course since its beginnings and has high ambitions for itself and its employees. If you are entrepreneur-minded, a force of proposition, focused on results and performance, and able to handle situations and relations with simplicity, Arkema can guarantee you a highly motivating professional career."

      Dominique Massoni, Vice President Human
      Resources Development and Internal

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